3rd Transnational Mobility in Parnu-Estonia

4o Dimotiko Sholio Edessas-Greece represented by the coordinators of the project Mrs. Maria Siolou and Mr. Sotirios Galipis as well as the  students of 6th grade: Martha Nikolaidou, Efthymia Miskou and Angeliki Papantoni, participated in the 3rd transnational meeting of the European project Erasmus plus entitled: “Our cultures-our treasures ”.

The meeting was hosted by Parnu Kuninga Tanava Pohikool school in Parnu, Estonia, from 30th May to 3rd June 2022. The meeting was also attended from teachers and students from the partner schools of Slovenia, Portugal and Spain.

Mrs Urve Krause,the headteacher  and all the teachers of the host school Parnu Kuninga Tanava Pohikool, made sure that all the partners from Slovenia, Greece and Portugal live a very creative and beautiful week. The hospitality started with the warm welcome from the school headteacher and with presentations and workshops related to Estonia, the city of Parnu, the hosting school and the Estonian language, which was attended by teachers and students of the host Estonian and the partner schools that visited it.

During the meeting week, the visiting students and teachers , attended presentations of local musical instruments and music events, by students of the Estonian school and got acquainted with the music culture of Estonia.

They also visited the Pernova Nature House and the Tolkuse bog, where the visiting teachers and students got in touch with the biodiversity of the Estonian fauna and walked in the wildlife of Estonia.

Also, during a day trip to the city of Tartu, visitors were given a tour of the Estonian National Museum and learned about Estonia’s short history.

In general, the experience of the meeting week for the students of all participating schools was very important, as they got to know the culture and civilization of the country and the region that hosted them and exchanged experiences, views, ideas and reflections on the subject of the Plan.

The next meeting for the project is scheduled to take place next October at the CEIP CRUCEIRO DE CANIDO corporate school in Ferrol, Galicia, Spain.

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