4th Transnational Mobility in Ferrol -Spain

4o Dimotiko Sholio Edessas-Greece represented by the coordinators of the project Mrs. Maria Siolou and Mr. Sotirios Galipis, as well as the  students of 6th grade: Evangelia Chouliara and Ioanna Kotsopoulou, participated in the 4th transnational meeting of the European project Erasmus plus entitled: “Our cultures-our treasures ”.held at the CEIP Cruceiro de Canido school, in the city of Ferrol, Spain, from 3rd to 7th October 2022.

This meeting was also attended by teachers and students from the partner schools of Slovenia, Portugal and Estonia, which participate in the project.

The Principal Concepcion Requejo Domínguez and all the teachers of the host school, made sure that all the visiting partner teachers and students from Greece, Slovenia, Portugal and Estonia, got in touch and knew the culture of the city of Ferrol and the wider Spanish geographical department of Galicia and had a very creative and beautiful week in their school and city.

The hospitality started with a warm welcome in the school event hall from the principal, the teachers of the school and the local traditional group Rondalla, who presented music and songs of the city of Ferrol and the geographical division of Galicia/Spain.

During the week of the meeting, the visiting students and teachers of the partners’ schools, visited the Spanish school and met the students and teachers of the school .Visits to the neighborhoods of the city that are adorned with the wonderful Meninas frescoes,were also organised.

There were also visits to the defensive castle of San Felipe, the military shipyard and the maritime museum of Ferrol. Also, during a day trip to the city of Santiago de Compostela, visitors were guided to its Catholic cathedral and the city’s picturesque streets and parks.

In general, the experience of the meeting week for the students of all the participating schools was particularly important, since they got to know the culture and civilization of the region of Galicia that hosted them and exchanged experiences, opinions, ideas and reflections on the subject of the Project.

The next and final meeting of the Project was decided to take place next May in Edessa -Greece.

Highlights of the meeting in the following photos:

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